Listen up pups! A couple of weeks ago our very own furless leader, Audrey, was interviewed by Victoria Mary Clark. Victoria Mary Clark hosts The ‘Art Of Living’ Radio Show on DCFM. Every week the show features different guests, some famous, some not, but all fascinating! And all with vastly different lives and lifestyles. Victoria’s guests speak about their particular jobs and lifestyles and what life has taught them about being happy and healthy. Victoria and her guests also discuss how they make their lives work for them.
In her interview, Audrey shares a look behind the scenes of Pawtrait Ireland. She discusses her process for capturing the amazing pawtraits she has become known for. From chunky butts to goofy ears, all aspects of the Pawtrait experience are covered. We think Audrey’s passion for pet photography comes through as she discusses life at a pet-photographer with Victoria.
If you’re thinking of booking a shoot this is a great introduction to Audrey and how she works. Have a listen below:
Want to know what the secret event is? Well quickly pop across and join The Pawtrait Pack on Facebook to find out about this. You’ll also get the heads up for other, dog-friendly events throughout the year.
Yours Drooly,
Follow my pack @dublindoggos