Sep 11, 2018 | Photoshoots
Have you ever met a dog that’s ridiculously happy? Well, that’s Riley. It was hard to believe when I met him that he was the runt of the litter who was never picked up by his expected new owner. As a result, he was just given to his mum Claire. You can...
Mar 26, 2018 | Informational, News
Listen up pups! A couple of weeks ago our very own furless leader, Audrey, was interviewed by Victoria Mary Clark. Victoria Mary Clark hosts The ‘Art Of Living’ Radio Show on DCFM. Every week the show features different guests, some famous, some not, but...
Feb 19, 2018 | Photoshoots
My outrageously talented cousin Graham, who is an award-winning hairstylist, had his life bumped up a grade when this ball of smush came along in 2017. I think it’s really important to capture that special stage in your dog’s life so you can remember it...
Feb 8, 2018 | Informational, Recommended Products
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching on February 14th and maybe you have a special dog-nut in your life you want to get a gift for. But let’s be honest here…human partner or not, your pup is still probably the love of your life! Read on to see our list of...
Jan 25, 2018 | Photoshoots
I met Susie & Sam in one of my favourite places to photograph, Kindlestown Wood, right down the road from my home. We set out just before 11 am when the light is really beautiful up there at this time of the year. The air is so crisp and you hardly ever meet...